Thursday, December 17, 2015

Why Does Mainstream Medicine Ignore The Placebo Effect?

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. Delves Into The Phenomenon Of Our Mind Power

This is WAY more important of a concept than many realize. There is an amazing amount of healing being experienced and shared which has little to do with drugs, surgery, and even therapies.
I also submit the idea of the "toxebo" effect. If you believe something will harm you, it will. Don't be cavalier about this, but respect the power of your mind and the fear-based paradigm we unconsciously adopt. Choose to be positive and lovingly invulnerable to "hurtful", "evil", and "bad".

Read Bruce Lipton's article here:  PLACEBO

If you would like to find out whether our care might help you feel better, just give us a call to schedule your first visit or a no-obligation complimentary consultation.  We are waiting to help you!
(952) 474-1777

shared by:
Dr. Sharon Levin and Dr. Nels Chellen
Levin and Chellen Chiropractic
(952) 474-1777
Chiropractor for Minnetonka and
the Minneapolis Metro Community