Saturday, January 24, 2015

Is it possible that we are creating thyroid disease by using personal scents?

Is it possible that we are creating thyroid disease by using personal scents?

What is causing all the thyroid disease we are seeing as clinicians?  Here's our observation from clinical work for almost 20 years: Beware of putting endocrine disrupting chemicals like phthalates (most commercially made fragrances/ perfumes and colognes) on your skin, especially over your neck/ thyroid gland. The skin is such an absorptive area! The research really needs to be done on this! 

Here's the article on National Thyroid Awareness Month:

It advocates treatment, but going upstream, to prevention, seems to also make a lot of sense.

shared by:
Dr. Sharon Levin and Dr. Nels Chellen
Levin and Chellen Chiropractic
(952) 474-1777
Chiropractor for Minnetonka and
the Minneapolis Metro Community

Monday, January 19, 2015

Fear of a Treatment Plan

It seems that one of the most common complaints we hear from consumers of chiropractic care is the experience of being "sold" a plan of treatment.  Often this plan involves an extended (at least 12) number of visits with a number of services, amounting to what might be thousands of dollars.  Some chiropractors might resort to "scare tactics" to motivate the patient to buy into their plan, even suggesting they get a loan to finance it.

Unfortunately, this not only creates stress for the patient, but also a bad reputation for the chiropractor.  If that doctor has been manipulative (no pun intended), they deserve the bad reputation. Sometimes the temptation is to generalize and consider all chiropractors to be like that particular doctor.  That said, in some cases, it would not be unreasonable for some people to need at least 12 visits over many weeks to many months for recovery from painful and disabling conditions.

Not everyone needs a treatment plan and for them we offer “as needed” care on a treatment by treatment basis.  Our most requested visit includes soft tissue therapy along with the adjusting, while some choose to schedule a visit which is more brief and involves only adjusting.  Please discuss your wishes with one of our doctors.

We post our rates for services offered on our site at: SERVICES

shared by:
Dr. Sharon Levin and Dr. Nels Chellen
Levin and Chellen Chiropractic
(952) 474-1777
Chiropractor for Minnetonka and
the Minneapolis Metro Community

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Do You know About Medication - Supplement Interactions?

                                                                     Dr.Leo Galland

Did you know that there may be unwanted interactions between your prescription medications (or even OTC meds) and the nutritional and herbal supplements you take?  This is very important to understand!

For example, blood thinning medications such as coumadin (warfarin) and blood thinning supplements like some EFAs (essential fatty acids) and vitamin C may be too much blood thinning effect when used together- for some people.  You should get to know these possibilities and talk with your prescribing doctor for advice.

A good way to initially inform yourself is with Dr. Leo Galland's website Pill Advised.  Here is a link to it.

Best of health to you and yours!

Dr. Sharon Levin and Dr. Nels Chellen
Levin and Chellen Chiropractic
(952) 474-1777
Chiropractor for Minnetonka and
the Minneapolis Metro Community

Friday, January 2, 2015

Need Some Good News?

And now some good news! We already knew this, but in case you did not, here it is. Also, do not be afraid of the cholesterol, just eat responsibly- modest portions, not to be used as an excuse for overindulgence. OK?

shared by:
Dr. Sharon Levin and Dr. Nels Chellen
Levin and Chellen Chiropractic
(952) 474-1777
Chiropractor for Minnetonka and
the Minneapolis Metro Community